Welcome to the elle images blog!
Hello! Welcome to the elle images blog and thanks so much for stopping by! This is where you will find my most recent work.
A little info about me... my name is Laura, and I am the owner and photographer of elle images. I was born and raised in Aloha, Oregon but I have always been a sunshine girl which is a big reason why I found myself in Arizona for my last years of college. After getting my degree in photography from Northern Arizona University, I decided to move back to the Great Northwest. I started elle images in 2005 and I feel so grateful to have had the amazing clients that I have over the years, along with the support from my friends and family. And also starting my business lead me to meet my husband while we were both shooting a wedding in 2007. He was a wedding videographer, and still does video work on occasion, and always has a creative project in the works. In 2011 we welcomed our first son, Hayden, into the world and in 2016 we welcomed our second son, Ryland, into the world. My boys are my everything and being their mom is the thing I am most grateful for in this life! Motherhood has taught me so much and I think has made me a better photographer (and human) too. I love photographing people but children are what really inspire me the most. Each child is unique and I always try my best to connect with, and photograph who they truly are on my shoots.
No matter what I am doing my goal these days is to do my best to enjoy each moment as it comes and stay in the present. One thing I have learned is that life will continue to surprise us and we never really know what is just around the corner, but after all the highs and lows I have been through, I welcome it all and know everything and every person has something beautiful for me to embrace or to teach me.I specialize in natural light, lifestyle photography and I absolutely love what I do. Being able to share special moments with people in their lives and create record of those memories for them makes me thankful everyday. Not to mention all the friendships I have made along the way. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
For more information please check out my main site at www.elleimagesphoto.com.
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