Shockley {Maternity}

Callyn Meyers {Newborn}

Kane’s journey


With mother’s day coming up I wanted to pay tribute to my beautiful friend Teagan, one of my most favorite people in this world and one hell of an incredible mother! She has played the most significant role in my journey as a mother by being there to support me through it all. The highs and lows of motherhood, the craziness of life and relationships, and loss of loved ones too. We share everything and we share it all through laughter, tears and so much anger at autocorrect for changing cuss words in those moments when you need them most. I love this woman more than I can really explain. She is definitely my soul sister and someone that I am not sure how I ever lived without. I am thankful to my husband for many things, but quite possibly at the top of the list is bringing Teagan into my life. (I love you too, Greg)

Teagan as a mother is as hard working and devoted as they come. She is passionate about many things, but above all, she is passionate about her children and nothing stands in the way of this mama bear and all the love she has for them and what she believes is right. I have seen this all along but more than ever when Kane came into this world. He was born at 32 weeks and has been such a fighter but it has not been an easy journey, and not at all how they had planned, but her strength has been the most incredible thing to watch. I feel very fortunate that I got to be a part of this experience with her and document these moments that were very challenging but I know also beautiful too. I hope they bring more beauty to the memories of this not so easy time.

Thank you Teagan. For being you. For fighting for your children. For being authentic. For helping me to be more authentic and fight for myself and my children too. Your friendship is one of the greatest gifts of my whole life. On this mothers day, and everyday, I hope you know what an incredible mother you are! My soul sister wife forever, you are ducking amazing. <3

Maggie {Newborn}


McGrain Family