Baby Owen|1 month

On Sunday I spent the afternoon with Andy, Angela, and their sweet, new baby boy Owen. When scheduling our shoot Angela and I had so much fun chatting on the phone that I knew I would have an even better time in person…and I did! It was a great time, with great people, and I think we got some great shots! Thanks so much to Andy, Angela, Owen and of course their dogs Ruby and Penelope too, for sharing their Sunday with me!

Baby Maddox|3 months

Last Saturday I got to spend the afternoon with Scott, Lindsay, and the absolutely adorable Maddox. I had so much fun taking pictures this little guy and I am so excited for the shoots in the future as he gets bigger. Thanks so much Scott and Lindsay for letting me hang out for so long! See you again soon!

Betts|Family Portraits

Last weekend I took a drive out to the always beautiful Hood River, where Reuben, Shirlyn, and Evelyn live. While I was expecting snow on the ground when I got there, there was blue sky instead and I am so glad because I love the outdoor shots we got. I have had the pleasure of photographing Reuben and Shirlyn’s wedding as well as doing newborn photos of Evelyn, and once again they asked me to come out to take pictures of a special time in their lives… Evelyn turned 1 last Saturday! Thanks so much guys! It was great spending the afternoon with you!

Giard twins|take two

I took a some more photos of the adorable Giard twins a few weeks ago. It’s amazing how much babies grow and change in such a short amount of time. They are so sweet and it was fun playing with some new backdrops and hats we had to work with. Here are some of my favorite shots.

Also, thanks so much to my good friend Danielle for knitting some cute newborn hats for me too. ๐Ÿ™‚

YoYo University

I am a little behind in posting this, but better late than never. ๐Ÿ™‚

In addition to being a videographer my husband also runs after school classes and events for young yoyoers in the area. He and his friend from childhood, Colin, started the program called yoyo university and they also have a team of yoyoers, the U Team, that travels to competitions together. In addition to the after school classes and summer camps, the last two years they have put on a winter event called the Snow Down Thrown Down and just like last years event, it was a pretty big hit. Kids from all the different schools they teach at in the area come together to yoyo, participate in the different activities and also perform in the freestyle competition at the end. Prizes are given out and they all have a great time. The campers were also encouraged to bring donations of food and clothing and they donated enough to fill an entire truckload! All in all it was a huge success! Here are some shots from the day.

These are the shirts Colin designed... pretty cool.

A few guys from the U Team

Brandon, from Great Beginnings DJ Service, made the day even more fun with great music throughout the event.

Colin showed off his yoyo skills after the snack break ๐Ÿ™‚

Abby Swancutt from Columbia Sportswear was kind enough to bring by some awesome hats that were given out as prizes as well. (Click on the photo to go to the Columbia site)

The day ended with the freestyle competition.

The judges were quite impressed. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yeah for YoYos! ๐Ÿ™‚